


Morpheus8 is a Subdermal Adipose Remodeling Device (SARD) with a low level of invasiveness that remodels collagen and coagulates adipose tissue. The modular solution provided by Morpheus8’s portfolio of interchangeable micro-needling tips with various pin configurations Prime 12 pin, Resurfacing 24 pin, and Subdermal 24 pin allows doctors to perform fractional treatments with the exact level of precision needed for each patient.

Morpheus8 is a non-surgical advanced needling treatment that uses radiofrequency to stimulate collagen formation. Wrinkles, lines, and sagging are often caused by aging, and Morpheus8 can help to tighten and smooth facial and body wrinkles. This gentle procedure penetrates further than other needling procedures, altering your complexion and regenerating youthful facial skin. At Alma MedSpa in Missouri, you will receive experienced doctors who can help you from the start of your Morpheus8 treatment in St.Peters to achieve noticeable results.

Morpheus8 Procedure

  • First, microneedle stimulates collagen synthesis for a youthful appearance.
  • They puncture the skin to stimulate collagen synthesis for smooth skin.

Morpheus8 Uses:

  • Fixes sagging skin
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • It helps with under-eye sagging and wrinkles
  • Enhances skin texture
  • Fixes stretch marks and sun damage
  • Reduced acne scars and discoloration.

Morpheus8 Benefits:

What should you avoid before Morpheus8?

Remove makeup before treatment. Avoid skin-irritating therapies 1-2 weeks before treatment (waxing, depilatories, etc.

How long does it take to heal from Morpheus8?

The recommended downtime for a Morpheus8 treatment is only 24 to 48 hours. Clients may expect to see the micro-lesions for a few days following treatment—a slight redness to persist for up to a week.

When can I wash my face after Morpheus8?

When you are through your operation, It’s okay to wash your face with a mild cleanser two to three hours later (ideally right before bedtime). Following 2 DAYS, You should wait 2 days after your treatment before ingesting alcohol or smoking.

Can your face get hurt by Morpheus8?

The Morpheus8 provides consistent outcomes for all dermal types without inflicting any heat damage. This cutting-edge technology also helps lessen the possibility of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, a common reaction to certain resurfacing methods.

Is one session of Morpheus8 enough?

Just one session with Morpheus8 will have a significant impact. However, several treatments spread out over weeks may yield the best results.

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